
In this section you will find information that you might need during your stay in Florence.

How to obtain your permit of stay and medical assistance, which accommodation options are available, information on the local transportation network.

For further information:

>> FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

>> Obtaining a Visa or Permission to Stay

>> Medical Assistance

>> Transportation

>> Accommodation

>> Our Courses

>> Dates and Prices 2013 (file .pdf)

>> General Terms (file .pdf)

>> Data Privacy

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Lingue Vive Italia Srl - Piazza Santo Spirito, 9 - 50125 Florence, ITALY - phone. +39 055 213030 - fax +39 055 216497
P.I. 01782400483 - C.F. 02180020154 - e-mail: info (at) - Skype: eurocentres - Twitter

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