
Florence has a vast number of sports available to its visitors. Due to the fact that Florence is situated merely minutes away from its neighbouring towns, it can offer a wide range of activities to suite all individual needs.
These include not only Gyms or Fitness centre, but also various activities such as Football, Swimming, and Tennis.

There are many Fitness Centres in Florence, with a variety of equipment available such as saunas, solariums, weights and aerobic facilities. Students generally have discount in most of gyms.

Football in Florence 
Football (soccer) is the sport that the entire Italian nation worships. In Florence football is played most of the year, the matches are played every other Sunday at the Artemio Franchi Stadium, which is identified as an important national monument.

Swimming pools 
Due to the fact that Florence is a good hours train journey from the coast, Florence offers its guest and residents the choice of both indoor and outdoor pools

Tennis is another popular sport in Florence; there are many tennis courts situated all around Florence, and they are generally open until 11pm.

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