Eurocentres – Your Italian Language School in Florence

  • Over 50 years of teaching Italian in a beautiful Renaissance Palace, Palazzo Guadagni, in the middle of the old town centre.
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  • The first State-recognized foreign language school in Florence.
  • Accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education to teach Italian language and culture to foreign students.
  • High educational standards certified by EAQUALS, the European Association for Quality Language Services.

For further information please contact:

Eurocentres Florence
Piazza Santo Spirito, 9 – 50125 Florence, ITALY
phone. +39 055 213030 – fax +39 055 216497
e-mail: info (at)
Skype: eurocentres

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Lingue Vive Italia Srl - Piazza Santo Spirito, 9 - 50125 Florence, ITALY - phone. +39 055 213030 - fax +39 055 216497
P.I. 01782400483 - C.F. 02180020154 - e-mail: info (at) - Skype: eurocentres - Twitter

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